

In the beginning, we were dust.

We were the formless dust of the newborn earth, my sisters and I. A thousand million motes of dust, in the air and on the ground, the spaces between us charged with living energy, bound us together in the darkness before the first morning. We danced in our places and felt the life between us. And it was good.

Then there came the Making.

We were ripped from each other by a force beyond our understanding as a wind came upon the new earth and split us one from the other. The wind came, and in its breath were the words of Law and the chains of Order, and we were formed anew. My sisters and I screamed defiance, but our screams went unheeded by the breath of the Making, and all was order and all was form.

Finish reading this story by Erin Vataris in the Garden of Eden anthology. Get it FREE!

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