
The Elephant in the Room

By Brenda Anderson

elephant in the waiting roomIn the waiting room elderly folk stared at the wallpaper. The elephant did a pirouette.

Keira slipped her hand into her fiance´’s.

“Let’s get married, go on a honeymoon, sing, dance … enjoy life,” Mark said.

The elephant did a somersault, landed on its hind legs and bowed. Keira squeezed Mark’s hand.

“I love you,” said Mark with an unsteady voice. “I love you so much.”

The elephant covered its eyes.

The receptionist escorted Keira and Mark into the specialist’s room. The elephant followed.

“Well, doctor?” said Keira.

The specialist shook his head.

With tears in its eyes, the elephant withdrew to the waiting room. Elderly patients looked away.

Brenda Anderson’s fiction has appeared in Andromeda Spaceways, A cappella Zoo, Punchnel’s and Penumbra. She lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband and two children.

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